What is the acid/alkaline balance?
The pH spectrum measures how acidic or alkaline our body system is; the scale runs from 0-14. Neutral pH is 7.0. The higher the pH (greater than 7) the more alkaline, while a lower pH, (less than 7) is acidic. For good health, our bodies need to be slightlyalkaline. Our immunity is directly related to how alkaline our diet is. An overly acidic diet eventually leads to a weakened state, and our bodies become susceptible to disease. The digestive system, liver and kidneys all begin to suffer. This causes a variety of issues, such as inflammation, allergies, arthritis, constipation and other bowel issues. Your body works very hard to create balance.
Why should we be concerned with “alkalizing” our bodies regularly?
When you are stressed, make poor lifestyle choices or are exposed to a toxic environment, your body is constantly trying to bring you back to a more alkaline state. The body starts pulling minerals like magnesium and calciumfrom your bones, teeth, and organs to neutralize the acid. Unprocessed, plant-based foods are highly alkaline, meaning they clean the blood, oxygenate the body, and keep your cells in tip-top shape! This will give you energy, clear up your skin and reduce inflammation in the body.
Where should we start?
It’s a good idea to start the day with daily lemon water, drink a fresh vegetable juice, and fill more than half your plate with veggies at every meal. Offset overly acidic foods like sugar, dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol by loading up on greens, fresh veggies, fruits and alkaline water daily. Think 80/20: Make 80% of the foods you eat alkaline and 20% acidic.